Obesity on TV
Just a quick tidbit: are there as many shows in other countries about weight loss? I don't mean shows to exercise with - I mean shows like the Biggest Loser and Celebrity Fit Club. In the case of the former, people are practically canonized for eating less, going to the gym with a trainer, and awarded sums of money for losing the most weight. It's like the lottery with a moral. In the case of the latter, B and C list "celebrities" take a second or third stab at fame by exposing their struggles with the last 20 pounds between themselves and life in the spotlight.
I would bet there aren't. There's something wrong with the way Americans relate to food. Beyond that, there's something disturbing about the way it's made into "entertainment." There's nothing novel about either of those statements, but to really think about all the implications is unsettling.
You know, "Reality TV" in general is that way... please tell me American's are better than all that garbage!!! I choose to turn the TV off, cook up a good hearty meal and sit down with a glass of wine. That's real.
Posted by: slosam
June 5, 2007 11:54 AM